Guatemala Project
lobal Emergency Medicine Initiative


    With a Mission to improve the quality of Emergency     Medicine in developing countries around the world
                        A Collaborative Rotary International Service Project

GEMINI Resources

Established in 1998

This was the first GEMINI country. There have been almost a dozen GEMINI trips to Guatemala over the last 8 years.  We are now awaiting approval of a large matching grant that will be the crowning achievement of the work.  This grant will be to equip a training center in Quetzaltenango.  It will have a budget of over $50,000.00.  During the many trips to Guatemala the work has made substantial differences in the quality of health care provided and the level of emergency medicine available to the people as well as the ability to respond to natural disasters.

Photos from November 2009 trip
Photos from 2006 trip (1)
Collection of Guatamala Photos from 2006  (2)

A report on the Stabilization Post Reanimation/pre-neonatal Transport (STABLE) program, which involved U.S. and Guatemalan experts and students in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, in April 2013 is now available. Click here to see what was taught to firefighters medical students, pediatric residents and students.

Lead Rotarian, Jorge Yarsebski

Under construction.


  General Information
Program Overview
   Steering  Committee
   Officers and Directors

Host Country Projects

     Dominican Republic

   Sponsor Links

District 7910
Westborough Rotary Club
Northborough Rotary Club

Calendar of Events 

Photo Gallery


Please Join or Support GEMINI. We welcome resources -- volunteers, medical professionials,  financial contributions..........

We are still  building this new web site so check back often......
.and share oontent


Paul H. Gallagher, International Service Director, Westboro Rotary Club, District 7910, 386 West Main Street, Northborough, MA 01532, U.S.A., Phone: 508 393 7900, Fax: 508 393 9622 Email:

Jorge L.Yarzebski, M.D., M.P.H., International Service Co-Director, Westborough Rotary Club, District 7910,
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, 55 North Lake Avenue, Worcester, MA 01655, U.S.A., Phone: 508 856 5176, Fax: 508 856 0058, E-mail:

The site was last revised on July 28, 2009

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