Here is where you will find photos from
GEMINI fund raisers, social events and general meetings.
Guyana Trip, June
Guyana Trip, February 2012 General Team Photos Guatemala Team Trip, November 2009
RYLA Photos, June 2009
BocadoTapas Event, October 2008
Armenia Project -- 2008
Collection of Guatemala Photos from 2006 1
Guatemala Photos 2006_2
Collection of Dominican Republic Photos from 2003
This page is always under
construction so check back often!
Further Information:
H. Gallagher,
International Service Director, Westboro Rotary Club, District 7910,
386 West Main Street, Northborough, MA 01532, U.S.A., Phone: 508 393
7900, Fax: 508 393 9622 Email:
Jorge L.Yarzebski, M.D., M.P.H., International Service Co-Director,
Westborough Rotary Club, District 7910,
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Division of Cardiovascular
Medicine, 55 North Lake Avenue, Worcester, MA 01655, U.S.A., Phone: 508
856 5176, Fax: 508 856 0058, E-mail: