Project GEMINI Emergency
                  Medicine Resource Library

Here are select resources to help you keep up to date on trends in the field of emergency medicine. Our focus is on the international aspects of programs, including enabling information technologies. Use these resources to get background on the field in which GEMINI operates.

What is international emergency medicine (IEM), its history and status :

Emergency Medicine-Coming of Age -- Academic History 
Wikopedia overview


American College of Emergency Physicians -- International Emergency Medicine Page
American Academy of Emergency Medicine
National Society of EMS Educators

General Resources

Emergency Medicine News
Emergency Research Articles
Reports on Emergency Medicine Education
Emergency Services Resources 
International Journal of Emergency Medicine Archives
World Health Organization Emergencies site
World Health Organization Crises and Emergencies sites (by country)
The globalization of emergency medicine and its importance for public health
Medscape Emergency Medicine Articles and Topics - Major Resource

Topical Publications

Emergency Medical Care in Developing Countries: Is it Worthwhile? -- WHO publication
A perspective on developing emergency medicine as a specialty
Strengthening Emergency Medical Services A Matter of Life and Death in Low-Income Countries
Assessing emergency medical care in low income countries: A pilot study from Pakistan

International Programs and Projects  

The American Medical Resources Foundation -- donates refurbished equipment
AmeriCares -- provides medicines, suplies and aid globally
Central American Medical Outreach (CAMO)
MedAid - The U.S. Latin American Medical Aid Foundation
Medical Assistance Program International (MAP)
MediSend International
Northwest Medical Teams International
Volunteers for Inter-American Development Assistance (VIDA)

National Library of Medicine Resources

1.  Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water(Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water)    Also available 
in Spanish

Clean Hands Save Lives: Emergency Situations(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)   Also available
in Spanish
2.   Disaster Information Management Research Center:
3.  WISER® - Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders.  WISER is a system designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. WISER provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information, and containment and suppression advice.
4.  Regional Disaster Information Center for Latin America and the Caribbean:
5. Planning and Practicing for a Disaster: Learn how to use a selection of AHRQ's online models and planning tools from the experts who developed them.
6.  New! Disaster Alternate Care Facilities: Report and Interactive Tools: Use this report and two interactive tools to select alternate care facilities and decide which patients to send to them.
7.  School Based Emergency Preparedness: A National Analysis and Recommended Protocol: Develop a school-based all-hazards emergency response plan to meet the unique needs of children; includes "lessons learned" from the field.
8.  Pediatric Hospital Surge Capacity in Public Health Emergencies: Convert a pediatric hospital from standard operating capacity to surge capacity or develop plans for a general emergency department to care for a surge in ill children.
9.  Mass Medical Care with Scarce Resources: A Community Planning Guide: Know the ethical and legal considerations and issues related to pre-hospital, hospital, alternative, and palliative care when allocating scarce resources during a hurricane.
10.  Tox Town  -- Environmental Health Concerns: Where you Live, Work and Play   Also available in Spanish    
 11.   An abbreviated version, The Essentials highlights just the key elements that need to be considered during a mass casualty event. Go to:
12.  Altered Standards of Care in Mass Casualty Events: Develop and plan to use altered standards of care during a hurricane to save as many lives as possible. 
 Go to:
13.  HazLit - Library catalog of the Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
            From the HazLit site, to locate spanish language materials, search under the term ---- Spansih.
14.  Virtual Naval Hospital - A vast digital library with a section dedicated to preparedness.   Scroll down to the heading:  First Aid 

We want to thank Jim Comes of the Westborough Rotary Club for the contribution of NLM resources.

Enabling Information Technologies

Making Information Technology a Team Player -- Excellent Emergency Medicine News Overview
Telehealth in the Developing World -- International Development Research Centre (downloadable book length report)
Hospitals in Oklahoma, Arkansas boost ED efficiency with Patient Tracking System
Health Information Exchange Enhances Decision Making: The Wisconsin Health Information Exchange gives emergency room doctors access to patient data faster, helping improve clinical decisions and identify waste, drug abuse, and misuse of ER services – Information Week

GEMINI Publicaciones En Espanol

Diabetes (Espanol - Spanish)
Emergencias y la ginecologia
Malaria (Espanol - Spanish)
Urgencias Pediatricas

Emergencias Cardiovasculares
Reanimacio Cardiopulmonar Avanzada


American College of Emergency Physicians -- International Emergency Medicine Conferences

Have you slipped and fallen, possibly as the result of negligence on someone else's part??? One of our readers sent us a consumer site where you can learn your legal rights (in the US). Click here: http//  Its best to stay on your feet...and know about such things before you are in an ambulance!

This page is edited by Dr. Ron Goodenow ( Feel free to recommend new resources or report problems with links.

Always Under Construction so check back often!

For Further Information on Gemini:

Paul H. Gallagher, International Service Director, Westboro Rotary Club, District 7910, 386 West Main Street, Northborough, MA 01532, U.S.A., Phone: 508 393 7900, Fax: 508 393 9622 Email:

Jorge L.Yarzebski, M.D., M.P.H., International Service Co-Director, Westborough Rotary Club, District 7910, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, 55 North Lake Avenue, Worcester, MA 01655, U.S.A., Phone: 508 856 5176, Fax: 508 856 0058, E-mail: 

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